How Library Resources Work Videos
This is a series of short, engaging videos created and published by the McMaster Library on a range of topics. The objective of each of these videos is to help you understand, find and use the library and its resources. Videos are grouped into the following categories: research, finding articles, finding books, citing, and using the library.
GALE Databases
Gale databases provide learners with powerful search tools to narrow results and deliver the reliable, timely content they need to be successful researchers. All the articles listed are peer-reviewed, scholarly articles. You will need to log into your LPSS Google account in order to access this resource. The password is louisiana when you are off campus.
Reliable & Credible Sources
Presentation that reviews how to locate and evaluate reliable and credible sources.
AHS Resources
Using the Gale Databases
This presentation includes an overview of the Gale databases, how to choose which database to use, and the basic instructions to using this resource.
Information on MLA Formatting
This presentation includes an overview of MLA formatting as well as reviews the basic formatting requirements, parenthetical citations, and the works cited page. A resource slide is available at the end of the presentation for students seeking detailed information or further help.
Google Citations Tool
This presentation includes detailed instructions and explanations on how to use the new Google Citations tool to cite sources within your essay.
Kami for Students
Kami is an amazing tool that allows you to annotate, draw, highlight, text, and more on top of PDF & Google files that you have saved in Google Drive.
This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software.