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Extended Learning

Tuition Fee & Guidelines

Tuition rates are set by LPSS and do not vary month to month. 

PM Services   $120 per month
AM Services   $50 per month
AM & PM Services $170 per month
Middle School Students $50 per month
Daily Rate Morning $4.00
Daily Rate Afternoon $10.00
An afternoon daily rate can only be used if the student is attending less than 10 days in the month.
(Parents requesting the daily rate must attached a calendar with the exact dates the child will need AM and/or PM services.)

  • Tuition fees are due before the 5th of each month or student services will be interrupted.
  • Sliding tuition scale is reduced by $10 for each additional child up to the 3rd child in the family. Example a family of three children the monthly tuition payment would be $340 ($120+$115+$105)
  • A late payment fee for tuition payments will be assessed in the amount of $10.00 beginning on the 6th day of the month.
  • A drop in rate of $10.00 per day will be charged for students who start the program in the afternoon with less than 10 school days left in the month. Students attending in the morning only will be charged $4.00 per day. 

Upcoming Events


Fall Observations (VANESSA RHEA)

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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