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Westside Elementary School
Counselor Corner

Monica Scranton

Jameka Mckinley

What do elementary school counselors do?

  • Teach classroom guidance lessons
  • Facilitate short-term small group counseling
  • Provide immediate and short-term individual counseling
  • Work collaboratively with teachers and staff
  • Consult with parents
  • Provide information and/or referrals for community resources to families

Being a parent is very rewarding, but quite challenging at times. Understanding how children grow and develop and learning how to communicate with them can be of tremendous help in the parent-child relationship. Listed below are some common questions and common problems parents face.

Click on a question below and you will be linked to an article that can answer that particular question.

How do I discipline my child?

How can I help my child be successful at school?

How do I change my child's unwanted behaviors?

How do I handle situations where my child has lied, cheated, or stolen?

How can I help my child cope with death, loss, and grief?

How do I help my child deal with anxiety or fears and phobias?

How can I help my child deal with being teased?

How can I help my child cope with stress?

How can I teach my child better self-control?

General Parenting Advice - This website provides parents with current, reliable, and practical information on a variety of parenting topics

PBS Parents - This website is filled with information on child development and early learning. - This website offers resources for better parenting and answers many common questions that parents have. The website also offer free downloadable e-books.

ADHD - This website has some great information about identifying ADHD, how it is treated, and what parents can do to help your child at home and in the classroom.

National Institute Mental Health - This website is a great resource for learning in-depth information on ADHD such as the causes of it and the treatment for it.

HelpGuide - Do you think your child might have ADHD. Search here for signs and symptons.

Autism Society of Acadiana - How are Autism Spectrum Disorders diagnosed?


Stop - This website has a lot of information specifically about what parents can do to stop bullying.

Anxiety - This website is a service of the Children's Center for OCD and Anxiety and helps children cope with and overcome the worry and anxiety in their lives, with a special section designated just for parents.

Anxiety Disorders Association of America - This website offers information and support for those who suffer from anxiety and there is a section specifically about anxiety in children and what parents can do to help.

Upcoming Events


Bookfair Fall

Start: Sep 30, 2024 End: Oct 4, 2024

Multi-Day Event

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