Lafayette Ready Start is a coalition committed to creating and implementing a bold local vision for early childhood | driven by the needs of our community to improve opportunities and inspire change for children birth to age five in Lafayette.

Under the legislation of Act 3 (2012), the Lafayette Parish Early Childhood Network was formed to align all early care and education services for children birth to five bridging public preschool, Non-public Schools of Early Childhood Development (NSECD), Head Start, Early Head Start, Family Child Care Programs, and Type III Early Learning Centers into a community force of professional development, teacher preparation, and coordinated enrollment.

To make high quality care available for all children in Lafayette Parish.

To improve the quality of early care and education of children from birth to age 5 in Lafayette Parish through providing professional development, a network of providers, and community awareness.


Lafayette Ready Start supports quality early childhood. This means all children, wherever they receive care, are in a safe, caring, nurturing environment with qualified professionals that help children successfully engage the world around them, not only for today, but also for our future.

Email: ecnetwork@lpssonline.com
N.P. Moss Annex Building
207 Town Center Parkway
Lafayette, LA 70506
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 am -11:30 am
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
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