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Digital Citizenship

digital citizenship

Digital Citizenship: Dos

Be the Definition of a Digital Citizen

"Digital citizens are learners who use their technology-driven powers conscientiously - and with empathy - to help make the world a better place." (ISTE)

Curate Your Online Image

You are the creator of your own brand. What you post and share online will either make or break your brand. Be choosy with your images and your words to ensure your posts and content match the image (or brand) you're building and maintaining. Don't want it to last forever?? Then don't put it online.

Be a Critical Thinker

Not everything online is true or reliable. Take time to analyze what you are consuming. Is it true? Is it kind? Does it have value? Remember, you are using your valuable time consuming and sharing digital content. What are you getting out of your screen time?

See Something, Say Something

This is not just a campaign slogan. Report harmful behavior, especially cyber bullying, to a teacher or school employee. Even if it's not directed towards you, report it.

Digital Etiquette

No... Not table manners. Post in ways that promote positivity and kindness. Post in ways that respect yourself and others. There is enough negativity in this world; be a part of the solution, not the problem. This leads to the next point...

Stop Feeding the Trolls

This is not a joke! What am I talking about? People who thrive on provoking others by posting negative and inflammatory things online. If we stop feeding them, they no longer have a reason to do what they do. STARVE THEM OUT!

Know Your Audience

We change the way we speak in face-to-face situations based on who we're speaking to. We should adjust the way we post online based on the audience who will be viewing that post. And as always, remember that NOTHING is truly private when it's online.

Keep Your Info Safe

I'm not talking passwords (though you should keep those safe). I'm talking about check-ins, Snapchat map visibility, and even explicitly giving someone (online) your address or other personal information. Just don't do it!

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