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Google Classroom Basics

School WiFi Access


School Outdoor Access Points

All schools have outdoor WiFi access points that are accessible in the parking lots.

  • You can go to any school to get WiFi access. You don't have to go to your base school.
  • There will be cones to designated parking spots reserved for WiFi access.
  • The schedule below shows times that campuses are opened and closed for gated schools.
connect here
Student WiFi

LPSS devices will automatically connect to the LPSS Student WiFi.

Personal devices

Personal devices (excluding cell phones and smart watches) can connect to Student BYOD.

Password: L3@rn2020

LPSS School Gate Schedule

Smart Bus Information

smart bus

Smart Buses will be parked on all school campuses (with the exception of ECA and Scott Middle School) from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.

  • Evangeline Elementary & Acadian Middle are sharing a bus.
  • Career Center & E J Sam are sharing a bus.

Upcoming Events

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