Career and Technical Education
School to Work
Career and Technical Education in Lafayette Parish offers benefits for all students ranging from providing a contextual environment for developing high-level academic skills, to providing specific industry certification in an occupational field. Career and Technical Education offers education benefits to students pursuing careers requiring specific technical skills, as well as providing a strong foundation for those pursuing a traditional four-year (or more) degree. It is an integral component of the total education mission, contributing to the goals of high academic achievement, student retention and motivation, and the development of general workplace and life skills. Students participating in Career and Technical Education programs are prepared to be successful at the next level in the workplace or in education.
Director of Career & Technical Education/Magnet Academies-
Christopher Broussard
Contact Us
Career & Technical Education
202 Rue Iberville
Lafayette, LA 70508-1502
About Us
The Department of Career & Technical Education is a combined effort of skills development programs, career academies, small learning communities, and alternative pathways. We promote a school-to-work environment for all students by developing real-world skills which are so valuable in a highly competitive job market. All CTE programs are design to give students options from immediate post-high school employment, 2-year community college programs, or a 4-year university track.
Student Programs
Skills Programs
Business Education
Family & Consumer Science
Industrial Technology
W. D. and Mary Baker Smith Career Center Programs
Student Organization
Future Farmers of America (FFA)
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Family, Career & Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Technology Student Association (TSA)
Distribution Education Clubs of America (DECA)
Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)
Career Academies
Academy of Business & Finance
Academy of Health Careers
Academy of Hospitality & Tourism
Academy of Information Technology
Academy of Legal Studies
Academy of Visual and Applied Arts
David Thibodaux STEM Magnet Academy
Early College Academy
Performing Arts Academy
Alternative Education
Middle School Alternative
W.D. and Mary Baker Smith Career Center
Disclaimer: The Lafayette Parish School System does not discriminate in its education and employment programs on the basis of religion; age; race; color; national origin; gender; marital or parental status or disability and complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Inquiries regarding Title VI, Title IX, 504 and ADA may be made to the Lafayette Parish School System.
Agriscience Education offers innovative, cutting-edge, integrated curricula for students. General Agriscience classes, as well as specialized agriscience mechanics, plant science, animal science and leadership courses are available.
Students have an opportunity to apply what they have learned through hands-on work experiences available throughout Lafayette Parish.
Examples of Available Courses:
- Agriscience Entrepreneurship
- Agriscience I - IV
- Care and Management of Small Animals
- Horticulture I and II
- Aquaculture
- Equine Science
- Crop Systems
- Small Engines
- Agriscience Welding Systems I and II
- Agricultural Construction
- Agriscience Leadership Development
Technology is the main propellant in business education today. The programs offer a wide range in diversity from the traditional programs such as "Keyboarding/Introduction to Business Computer Applications" to the highest level of certification through Microsoft.
Some Course Offerings Are:
- Computer Multimedia Presentations
- Web Design
- Desktop Publishing
- Telecommunications
- Business Communication
- Administrative Support Occupations
- Accounting I and II
- Business Law
- Introduction to Financial Services
- Principles of Business
- Securities
The Cooperative Education Programs are offered to all juniors and seniors who attend the area high schools. Classroom instruction and on-the-job training are the major functions of the programs. Juniors and seniors earn up to 3 credits towards graduation for participating in their program of choice. Students attend classes for one hour and work in the area businesses an average of 15 hours per week. The students' job choice and interest will determine the area of study. This program offers our students a chance to develop "real-world" work experience.
Courses Available Are:
- Cooperative Marketing Education
- Cooperative Nursing Assistant
- Coopertive Office Education (COE)
- Trade and Industry Cooperative Education (TICE)
- Travel and Tourism Cooperative Education
Family and Consumer Science Education prepares students for personal and family life across the life span as they manage the challenges of livng and working in a diverse, global society. The program's focus is on families, work and their interrelationships.
Family and Consumer Science Education prepares students for family, community, and career by providing opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors needed for a successful life.
Some Courses Available:
- Nutrition and Food
- Teacher Cadet Program
- Foods for Entertaining
- Meal Management
- Adult Responsibilities
- Clothing and Textiles
- Child Development
- Housing and Interior Design
- Parenthood Education
- ProStart
- First Responder
- Family Life Education
With so many choices available through Industrial Technology Education, it's never been easier to chart your future!
Lafayette Parish schools offer a program of study that involves a multi-year sequence of courses that integrate core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to post-secondary education and careers.
Examples of Available Courses:
- General Technology Education
- Materials and Processes
- Basic Technical Drafting
- Drafting I and II
- Architectural Drafting
- Bench Jewelry
- Technology Education Computer Applications - Engineering
- Engineering Lab I and II
- Basic Wood Technology
The Lafayette Parish Association of Career and Technical Education (LPACTE) is a local organization of vocational personnel interested in promoting career and technical education to include hands-on training and skills-based certification to all students.
LPACTE offers a set amount of money towards tuition every year to a student planning to attend the Louisiana Technical College-Lafayette Campus upon graduation from high school. Applications for this scholarship are available through any career and technical instructor or the high school counselors. Applications are due by the end of March each year.
- School Climate: To create smaller, more personalized, safer high school learning commuities where teachers, staff, students, parents, and community organizations care about each other and work in collaboration to challenge students and support learning.
- School Achievement: To help all high school students maximize their academic potential as demonstrated by meeting the challenging Louisiana State Standards.
- Academic Rigor, Student Retention, and Career Development: To ensure that all high school students not only graduate, but do so equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful transition into post-secondary education, training or careers.
Small Learning Communities in Lafayette Parish School System:
- Establish Freshman Academies
- Provide transition support for incoming 9th graders
- Establish teacher advisory groups and mentor groups
- Engage incoming 9th graders in Freshman and Family Fun Day
- Provide safe and drug-free after-school programs
- Provide in-school, after-school, and peer tutoring
- Provide professional development necessary to make teachers and administrators successful
- Provide students an opportunity to participate in community service projects
- Maintain and improve existing academic academies at each of the five high schools
- Provide job shadowing opportunities through our local businesses and community organizations
* All LPSS Employees E-Mail Addresses end with *
Chris Broussard
LPSS Central Office
Shintale P. Sampy
Gina H. Theall
Dixie Guilbeau
FFA is dedicated to making a positve difference in lives of young people by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agriscience education.
Learning to Do~Doing to Learn
Earning to Live~Living to Serve
FBLA is an organization that brings business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. Business Education programs lead to careers in accounting, work processing, computer applications, medical and legal records, small business, and data processing.
FCCLA is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important issues through Family and Consumer Science Education. Family and Consumer Science programs lead to careers in child care, restaurant services, culinary arts, hotel/motel services and retail sales in ready-to-wear fabrics. The major emphasis of the program is to encourage personal growth, family and community involvement, and preparation for multiple adult roles of wage earner, community leader, and family member.
Technology Education programs provide awareness of how technology affects work and life in a global society profoundly impacted by technical means. A major goal of these programs is to introduce concepts and initial skills that are the first phase of a sequence that can follow into trade and industrial education careers.
Connections provides overage students with targeted instruction and accelerated remediation, with the aim of preparing them to enter a high school setting in either the Diploma, GED, or state-approved Skills pathway after one year. Participating students may also be eligible to work towards an Industry-Based Certification (IBC).
Students who are 15 years of age by September 30 and are two or more grade levels behind are eligible to participate. While in Connections, students are classified as eighth graders and follow the High Stakes Testing Policy in Bulletin 1566.
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