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Curriculum & Instruction

Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education

An effective health and physical education program influences both the mind and body and fosters in each individual a sense of personal responsibility for achieving and maintaining physical fitness throughout a lifetime.  Lafayette Parish health and physical education instructors follow the state content standards, benchmarks and GLE’s that address the needs for LPSS students.  Lafayette Parish elementary fitness team finished second in the state public schools’ meet among 27 public school parishes in state fitness competition.  Lafayette Parish also has the largest fitness meet in the state. 

Jared LeBlanc
Director of School Safety and Physical Education
Jared LeBlanc

Student Activities

The Lafayette Parish School System offers 13 boys and 12 girl’s sports in high school and four boys and four girl’s sports in middle school.  State Championships were awarded to Acadiana High in 5A football and Northside High in 4A girls outdoor track/field.  State runners-up was awarded to Lafayette High in Division I girls bowling, outdoor 5A girls track/field and 5A baseball and Northside High in Division I girls indoor track/field.  Ted Davidson of Acadiana High was honored as La. Football Coaches Class 5A Coach-of- the-Year. The following student athletes were Most Valuable Players in their respective sports:  Micah Eugene from Acadiana High School, Class 5A football, Defensive MVP, Tyrek Malveaux from Comeaux High School, MVP in state wrestling, Ryan Bergeron from Acadiana High as NIAAA State Scholarship Essay boys winner and Katie Stefan from Acadiana High as NIAAA State and Sectional winner in the Scholarship Essay girls competition.

Instrumental music including marching band, vocal music and spirit are offered at all high schools.  Lafayette Parish School System has some of the top instrumental and vocal music groups in the state including Lafayette High School’s award winning marching band which finished among the top twelve bands in the nation.  Carencro Middle School marching band was the only junior high band invited to participate in Walt Disney World competition and Broussard Middle Chorus received national honors.  Also, the Northside High School Step Team was National Step Team Champions and their coach Kaydra Ellis was National Step Team Coach-of-the-Year.

Upcoming Events


Public Hearing - Millage

4:00 PM - 4:30 PM


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